Well, here's a poor rectification (probably not a real word, I know, but close enough. Although firefox spell-check says it is. But then again, firefox spell-check doesn't like the word "Firefox").
So, after recording all the heroes episodes during semester, I finally finished watching them. What a disappointment. Seriously, after all the promising lead-up, the advertising hype, and the general popularity of the show, it went from awesome manga-style storyline to Naruto ending. Ok, so comparing it with Naruto was a bit harsh (Heroes is no where near as slow), but I stand by my opinion that it was disappointing.

I'm going to assume that everyone reading this has either seen the show, or has no plans to do so, since it finished airing like 2 months ago. So I'm just going to go on without the usual "SP0iLleR ALlErT1!!11111!!1oneone" crap that usually precedes it. Although that sentence alone predicted spoilers...
As I was saying, after such a build up, the big build up between sylar and peter, and we get, what? A couple of punches and a few bullets. No super cool ninja moves. Hiro comes along with his sword after all his training, and sylar just stands there for hiro to stab him. Nathan comes along and flies peter into space to explode, but didn't peter already have this talent? Right from the first episode?
What's more, a nuclear explosion is actually more effective above a city, because of the nuclear fallout. So they would have had to fly quite a ways up to avoid that happening in that very short ins

And, at the very end, there's a blood trail from where sylar was stabbed to a conveniently placed man hole. Do the writers of this show expect everyone to believe that everyone stood around and just let him sneak away? I guess it could be argued that he crept away when everybody was distracted, but it wasn't very well portrayed.
So, in short: crap action sequence, crap storyline, crap ending. There was so much more that could have been done, but instead they didn't leave much at all, not even a cliff hanger ending like most other shows. Disappointing. And Irritating.
Oh, and possibly the worst fan site ever. Apparently this is what the general use computer is used for at work during lunch breaks.