I can't be stuffed posting anything this week, but I remembered this app for Linux that is worth mentioning...
Linux is forever improving computer usage, and this totally awesome application for Linux proves it. Well, besides beryl, but that's a whole new post. This surpasses beryl's eye candy, and takes hold of what every nerd wanted way back in early high school...
I present to you.. psDooM!!!
Ok, so the text based site is a little... well... bland, and not awe inspiring. Until you realise what this does.
This uses the original source code of the game doom and turns it into a process list! That's right, you can run around, and shoot monsters instead of closing down windows. Much more interesting than Crl-Alt-Delete in windows, don't you think? You could easily claim in class that you were trying to kill an unresponsive internet explorer and it just so happened that your process manager looked like a game. Very convenient, if you run Linux/Unix (ports to OSX, a derivative of Unix, have been known to work).
Although, there is a slight issue that would be remiss of me to mention. For those who played the original game, you would recall that the monsters could turn on each other. The issue in psDooM is that those monsters are in facts programs and essential processes, and having your computer literally bloodily hack itself to death probably isn't the greatest thing. The original idea was that in a normal computer, some processes kill others. Problem is, processes aren't usually bloodthirsty monsters killing everything in it's path (unless it's a windows virus). So when your computer crashes and your homework disappears, how do you think the teacher's going to react when you say "but some carnivorous monsters hacked it to death!!! Honest!!!"
Well, now that I've introduced you all to a completely pointless application for an operating system that most people don't use, I'll leave it at that. I'll leave you with a tribute to bill gates...