So, in the name of improved cultural information exchange, this week I give you pictures, from the blag (their spelling, not mine) of the dude at xkcd. The cartoon to the right inspired the guys below to give it a shot.

Also of interest was the xkcd home noticeboard.
Clearly these people have too much time on their hands.
Oh well, I think that will do it for this week. I figure that if a picture speaks a thousand words, than I've just written a brilliant 3000 word essay. Take that year 12 English teacher! (Whose name I've completely forgotten - I think it's Mrs Moyle/Moran/something)

Oh well, I think that will do it for this week. I figure that if a picture speaks a thousand words, than I've just written a brilliant 3000 word essay. Take that year 12 English teacher! (Whose name I've completely forgotten - I think it's Mrs Moyle/Moran/something)