By Thursday next week I'll have finished classes for the semester. Then I'm working all that weekend. I'll spend the week after that studying, and the week after that sitting exams.
Ergo, there won't be many posts around here for the next couple of weeks.
But, to satisfy the blogging urge you possible came here to crave, I'll leave you with the following youtube video of Portal - the most dangerous, addictive game threatening student's studies everywhere. Just as well you can finish it in two hours...
Oh, and the awsomest ending to the game ever!!!

And, for the foolish apple fanboys who own macbooks without windows, here's a flash version of the game. Equally addictive, methinks.
Also, check out the new avatar -->>
Cute little guy, huh? It's "Tux" the linux penguin dressed up as Gandalf. Just for something different, I guess.
I'll start updating other little things around the site once I get a chance.
So, I guess I'll catch you n00bs on the other side.