But today, I announce a greater cause. One that is worth fighting for. Indeed, it may well be a fight for survival.
Three days ago the (frankly, brilliant) TV show Jericho was released to DVD. Without our support, this show will die. The more people who willingly spend money to purchase this series will be giving support far greater than simply whining on a web forum. Money is power, and the more DVDs that sell, the more powerful the fanbase is. What is even better about such support, is that the American dollar is at an all time high for us, meaning that we can finally afford to give such support.
Your support will ensure the survival of a small village for small price of only $2 an episode. Buy now and get a free slip cover. What more could you possibly want?
Just about every show I watch these days I pretty much just get the DVD. Free to air television has simply become a "try before you buy" exercise, whereby the adverts drive me away from the products advertised and the networks they support.
Having said that, though, there are shows that I would happily watch on TV. Shows I do not find interesting enough to spend money on, but shows that I could enjoy should they be on at a decent hour. Or their advertised timeslot.
Although, there is a slight problem with DVDs. Once you start buying up a series, there's always something to make you regret it...
Like Stargate SG-1. Fantastic show, buy why do they have to announce the ENTIRE BOX SET of 60 dvds 3 week after I buy the first 3 seasons? No biggie, except that all up you save around $100 if you buy all of them, which I plan on doing. Although, it isn't released until the end of November, so maybe they'll reduce the price of the others before then???
Anyway, Jericho isn't coming back any time soon, so if anyone wants to ease their conscience from the illicit downloads that many obtained, now would be the time to do so.
OK, now I've ranted enough about this, I'm hoping that I've kept your attention long enough to explain the dashing fellow to the right -->>
This is in fact Hans Zimmer, who has had some role or other to play in the production of some of my favourite soundtracks including Batman Begins and The Pirates trilogy. Hell, he even had a hand in The Simpsons and the Lion King, the later of which he won a Golden Globe award for.
Anyway, I mention this to draw your attention to the fact that there is a new Pirates OST box set coming out at the end of the year - 4cds and 1dvd. According to our good friends at amazon, it will contain the following:
Disc 1: Pirates Of The Caribbean soundtrack
Disc 2: Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest soundtrack
Disc 3: Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End soundtrack
Disc 4: Brand new remixes
Disc 5: DVD of behind the scenes, making of the music and interviews with composer Hans Zimmer
Since I've wanted this soundtrack for some time, chances are I'll pick one up. We'll see it around the same time as the latest DVD release, so around early december.
Also comming december is the Halo 3 soundtrack. If you liked the release trailer, you'll love the soundtrack. Usually the games I play have annoying rock or "doof doof" tracks that I don't really enjoy enduring, but do so because it's a good game. Halo 3, on the other hand, was addictive because it had great gameplay, with fantastic audio that suited each scene perfectly. Hopefully, it will be just as good in CD form - after all, I was busy at the time.
Between HL2 Orange Box, Crysis, and other dvd/cd releases, methinks that I'll be very poor by year's end. It's going to be a fantastic 3 month christmas break (if I can afford it)!
So, anyway, I've got too many box sets to watch to spend time blogging. Oh, and uni work - only 4 weeks behind now (was 6 two days ago...)!