Now, I know I said I wasn't going to post for a while, but I've changed my mind. Procrastination does that to people. So, I guess it's a good time to link you to this. What is it, you say? Well, it's an official apple support page with close to 400 posts about Leopard's upgrade blue screen of death! That's right, Apple didn't want to be out of the whole monopoly gig, so they invented one of their own! Trouble is, they're like comparing, say "Coventry Street" with "Mayfair" (awesome Monopoly tm board game tie-in!!). At least Microsoft give you an actual description of the fault - eg hardware addresses, kernel modules, etc. Sure, it's overly complicated for most users, but it helps the nerds fix it.
But, Apple I guess decided that none of it's user base could cope with a Unix kernel panic (which is actually descriptive and helpful even to less nerdier people). Instead, they just put up a plain blue screen. The funny thing is that for one person, it has been sitting there with a blue screen for 4 1/2 hours, then went back to their "nasty windoze box".
Anyway one fix was for the user to delve right the way in to the terminal and edit a few files - something that I'm sure no mac user would ever be able to do. Come to think of it, how many would even know that the terminal existed?
But, in other news, I've finally gotten around to putting the latest Ubuntu Linux on my desktop PC. And, unlike OSX, it works almost flawlessly.
Some may remember some time ago that I raved about foobar2000. Well, I've found a program to beat even that - Amarok (see right). It give the playlist to the right, all the currently playing info (that automagically downloads from the net) to the left, lyrics (also net content) AND, most of all, a wikipedia page of the artist. Now I can play wikisplore while listening to music!
Oh, that big blue box in the middle only pops up when a new track loads. You can set it to the side of the screen if wanted.
So, that's that. If I feel the need to procrastinate further, I'll give a full review of the new Ubuntu Linux 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon distro. With cover flow win-tab!!!