After telling Film Guru and Musicpie that season 2 wasn't out yet, I figure that it had been a few weeks since I checked, so I double checked.
The official website doesn't list it, but wiki tells all! Season 2 began airing on August 24th, not 2 days ago!
With luck it will be done before I leave for uni, so as to have something to do during the programming lecture. (I spent the last one at Ok, maybe not during the lecture, but definitely during the lunch break. Maybe.
Anyway, the only downside is that instead of the originally planned 8 eps, we only get 6. Nothing unusual for British TV.
It took the ABC about 8 to 10 months to air the last series, so I've looked to other means to get it. Shame there's no direct to DVD stuff, really.
Also, The Sarah Connor Chronicles looks interesting. Set after Terminator 2, it will either turn out to be a huge disappointment like Torchwood after the 1st ep, or be another Prison Break/24. Probably not the best comparison, but it will have to do.
Even better, House Season 4 is due to begin in September. Why are we only about to see the end of season 3?!?! Again, I would rather buy the DVD now than wait for the barstads at 10 to get going (Uh, the 'r' should be after the second a, but otherwise, very good). Yay for inserting random british comedy jokes!
Anyway, channel 7 is supposed to be airing some of their big name shows in parallel with the states, so we might have some decent tv to finish off the year after all!
And Film Guru, you bastard, you've gotten me hooked on Boston Legal! Damn you for telling me about that show!
So, it seems I've become the TV show guy, particularly for the British market. Film Guru had better step up with some awesome movies now!
It occurs to me that I have to leave for uni in 20min, so I better finish this off. In short, great TV being produced, but Australia will get screwed once again.
Viva la revolution! (Never really though about what this actually means, but it sounds cool so I'll finish with it)
For Pony!
EDIT: Ok, I've been stunned into silence. Words can't express my dumbfounded disbelief that Channel 10 are actually airing House Season 4 in line with the states!!! All the shows I want to watch are actually being aired in Australia in line with the states!!! TV networks, it seems, have finally realised that people will just pirate it anyway, I guess. Could it be that 10 learnt from Jericho??? Might just be optimistic thinking on my part, but one could hope.