Now listening to...
Song: You Rescued Me
Artist: Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
Album: A Symphony Of Hope Vol 2

Anywho, I've been thinking a lot about change recently for some reason. Maybe it's moving house or something, I don't know, but it's one of those strange topics that pop into your head when normal people are asleep (such as now, for instance).
Unable to sleep for some reason, I got to thinking how much I had changed over the last couple of years. For instance, I am now far more confident in the presence of others. Believe it or not I was shy at a point, and cared greatly about what other's thought of me. I guess working in customer service helps to relieve people of shyness and such, but a few years ago I would never, for instance, yell at a complete stranger to turn off their ringing mobile in the middle of a movie.
Also, a couple of years ago I had come to dislike being a musician. Having played an instrument of sorts since kindergarten, I guess I got a little sick of the whole music scene. People told me "you'll regret giving it up", yet I don't. That break from it has actually created a greater interest to pursue it as a "hobby", of sorts.
To be honest, I don't think it has affected my as much as a lot of the experts would have people believe. I hated high school, and leaving was a relief. Uni life is still hard to get used to, and I'd prefer a propper full time job, but the holidays are good. One of the biggest change would have been moving from my family's church to EBC, but let's face it, I loathed my old one, so that was a big positive.
So, in short, life is good. So all I've got to do now is wait for season 3 of get smart (only ~20h to go according to utorrent) and then I won't have as much of an excuse to be typing blog posts on my laptop at 1am.
OK, I'm out of ideas, and I'm finally tired. I'm off to bed. On the upside, I'd forgotten how good this cd was...