Thursday, 6 March 2008

First off, here's a little insight as to the reasons NOT to censor internet traffic. It doesn't work. Period.

While governments around the world try to regulate internet access by enforcing ISP level filtering, Pakistan has taken it to a whole new extreme. It seems that the government decided that the content of youtube was too blasphemous to bear, and so had the country's largest ISP block access to it. Problem being, is that they simply redirected traffic to one of their own servers containing a more "appropriate" website.

So now you have the world's busiest website being redirected to some outdated computer server in the back room of a Pakistani ISP. What followed was what is know as a "Denial of Service", or DoS attack. There was so many requests for youtube that it crippled the ISP to the point where they had to be taken off the internet. From what I understand from the link above, they also managed to make youtube entirely disappear from the internet for an hour or so.

Also, in other news, I have just found that palgn have the much awaited smash bros brawl listed as a 9/07/2008 (Postponed) release. I swear I should have just imported a Japanese console. That makes the release MORE THAN SIX MONTHS AFTER JAPAN!!!

Meanwhile Wii Mario Kart is down for a 1/5/2008 release date on the same site. Guess I'm glad I also own a 360, then. For those that are interested, Wii Fit is down for 28/5/2008.

I think Nintendo need to lift their game a bit. More and more consoles are being sold on ebay, for the simple reason that there's no games for it. If they don't bring some more stuff out soon, they'll find those console shortages will clear right up. Super Mario Galaxy is a brilliant games, but it does not have infinite replay ability.

Anyway, hopefully we'll see those games soonish.