Saturday, 22 December 2007

Christmas Update

Christmas is in a few days, so this will be the last post for now, at least until after Christmas, possibly new year.

According to Einstein's laws of relativity, time is only relative to the observer. Ergo, I propose that I am not late in making this blog post, rather it is you the reader who is in a different moment of time. (Or did it have something to do with speed? I don't know, I didn't do that well in yr 12 physics...).

Anyway, this is all irrelevant. My tardiness is mostly due to work commitments, and a depression regarding the end of Firefly. Yes, I know it really finished up like 5 years ago, but I just watched it on DVD. In fact, I even went as far as to read it's wiki entry. I had no idea that Fox and Whedon loathed each other so much. Although, I did find it pretty funny that Whedon deliberately shot all his frames with characters deliberately to the far sides of the screen, just to force Fox to air it in widescreen.

Also, can someone explain to me the obsession with Facebook? What is it? Why are all the kids into it? Why do people keep asking me if I'm on it? Why do I keep making sentences into questions? I don't get it, really. It seems to me that you put a stack of personally identifying information onto the internet, to share with millions of strangers. What the point of that?

This whole exercise is pointless anyway, as I'm just filling in random stuff so I can say I made a post. Have a great christmas, and I'll catch you all with something a little more substantial next year.