"Why?" I hear all you apple fan boys yell. Well, take a look at the hard drive size of the new ipod touch - 8gb and 16gb models. What they have effectively done is increase the functionality of the device, but halved the storage space. Those things wouldn't even fit my music, let alone videos.
And, in reference to the iphone, I don't want one until it has 3g compatibility (something they have to add when they release it in Australia), and the ability for custom apps.
Admittedly, both these features for the iphone will probably be implemented by the time we see it, but I'm guessing that apple, being apple, will have it locked in to one mobile distributor, and it probably won't be 3. This means that the cost will be exorbitant (telstra), and probably no capped 3g internet plans.
This is on top of having to use itunes to sync the device. I don't care what anyone says, I still don't like itunes.
This is not to say that they aren't good devices. It's just that if they can fit a 160gb hdd into the new ipod classic, so I can't see why they can't fit a 40gb one into an iphone. And I know, this is probably the limitation of flash memory, but I'd rather have a large hdd than the smaller flash models.
So, now I guess I'm waiting until the iphone comes here, in the hope that they'll boost the hdd for the australian release. Eventually, there might be an apple product I'll be able to make full use of... maybe.