So, have you ever got to the stage in life where you think, hey everything is great? You know, where you're balancing your workload effectively, you're actually enjoying life, AND know cool terms like "orthogonal frequency division multiplexing" that you can drop into a conversation to look like a genius (or in some cases, a complete nerd)?
See, up to the last couple of days, I thought I was having this great time and experience, when in fact I wasn't. Far from it.
I had a few assessment tasks dues this past week and thought, yeah, I can take them. I know what I'm doing. That is, until I actually sat down to take the tests and gone "Oh, Crap. I'm not as good as I thought I was". Now, the tasks weren't important as the assessment was minor, but just that ego- and pride-shattering moment when you realise that you aren't as perfect as you thought you were was simply not cool.
I guess this is one of those learning curves that you have to learn from and them move on to greater things. I personally find these irritating, as I often don't like negative realisations such as these. Kind of like the conversation film guru and myself were having the other night - when you wake up one morning and discover you're turning into your parents. While possibly inevitable, it's not the kind of discovery where you jump up and down and praise God for this incredible blessing.
So, now I've got to learn about three large textbook's worth of material in less than a month. Fantastic.