Tuesday, 29 May 2007
HaHa, Chalk on Dowl! A New Post!!!
Here's something a guy a uni showed me the other day from digg. I'm desperate for material to post, so this is it. It shouldn't offend anyone, as I don't think any females read this blog anyway...

Monday, 21 May 2007
So, Matt wants a post. In short, I'm too busy to post anything of significance. So here's what I've got going at the moment...
Cable shaped to 28.8kbps - bad for studying on the interwebz (and good to avoid being distracted by it).
68 Tasks that need to be completed.
Of these, 5 are major assignments.
6 days, 10.5 hours until my first exam.
Several work shifts
So, all you arts students/film guru will have to wait while I try to finish this stuff off.
Come to think of it, I only know of KK and FG reading this stuff anyway, so the pun at FG having his own category of lazyness probably looses its affect. But, what the hell...
we now return you to your regular programming
Cable shaped to 28.8kbps - bad for studying on the interwebz (and good to avoid being distracted by it).
68 Tasks that need to be completed.
Of these, 5 are major assignments.
6 days, 10.5 hours until my first exam.
Several work shifts
So, all you arts students/film guru will have to wait while I try to finish this stuff off.
Come to think of it, I only know of KK and FG reading this stuff anyway, so the pun at FG having his own category of lazyness probably looses its affect. But, what the hell...
we now return you to your regular programming
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Spidey 3 Part 2
Ok, so I promised film guru that I would finish my spidey critique, so since I can't sleep, I'll finish it off.
Point... whatever. I forget and can't be bother checking.
Eddie brock a sweet guy? Where'd he get that from? Eddie's an egotistical self-righteous desperate bastard who has no conception of what he's getting into. Like the scene where he sells the editor his first pic. He gets about half the pay of what peter would have got through peter's usual clever haggling. Basically, brock's desperate and will use whatever charm he has to make it.
Peter comes along and shows him for a hack. Guy looses everything - job, respect, confidence. Why wouldn't he ask God to kill Peter Parker?
Now, on to a topic FG mentioned. Spiderman 2 was the "best comic book hero movie to date". WHAT THE HELL??!? Talk about bad storylines and convenient occurences. Like I commented on FG's blog, spidey 2 was right up there with the crap superman movie. I will conceed that it flowed better than the 3rd movie, but that's where the comparisons end. The storyline was too stretched out, too much emphasis was put on peter's relationship with mj, and the premise for DocOc was one of the most painful villian stories I have ever lived through. Seriously, to borrow one of FG's phrases "there was so much more that could have been done with it". It's the usual "good guy turns bad but is still good on the inside" rubbish that plagues Schwartznegger in that Batman movie.
So, back to spidey 3. If you sit back and watch it like a lot of normal people and simply enjoy the jokes and action scenes it's a decent movie. If you over analyse and try to rewrite it as you go, you need a kick in the head.
Ok... that was probably a bit harsh, but you get the point. So, in summary - spidey 3 better than 2. 3 is far from perfect, but enjoyable.
Point... whatever. I forget and can't be bother checking.
Eddie brock a sweet guy? Where'd he get that from? Eddie's an egotistical self-righteous desperate bastard who has no conception of what he's getting into. Like the scene where he sells the editor his first pic. He gets about half the pay of what peter would have got through peter's usual clever haggling. Basically, brock's desperate and will use whatever charm he has to make it.
Peter comes along and shows him for a hack. Guy looses everything - job, respect, confidence. Why wouldn't he ask God to kill Peter Parker?
Now, on to a topic FG mentioned. Spiderman 2 was the "best comic book hero movie to date". WHAT THE HELL??!? Talk about bad storylines and convenient occurences. Like I commented on FG's blog, spidey 2 was right up there with the crap superman movie. I will conceed that it flowed better than the 3rd movie, but that's where the comparisons end. The storyline was too stretched out, too much emphasis was put on peter's relationship with mj, and the premise for DocOc was one of the most painful villian stories I have ever lived through. Seriously, to borrow one of FG's phrases "there was so much more that could have been done with it". It's the usual "good guy turns bad but is still good on the inside" rubbish that plagues Schwartznegger in that Batman movie.
So, back to spidey 3. If you sit back and watch it like a lot of normal people and simply enjoy the jokes and action scenes it's a decent movie. If you over analyse and try to rewrite it as you go, you need a kick in the head.
Ok... that was probably a bit harsh, but you get the point. So, in summary - spidey 3 better than 2. 3 is far from perfect, but enjoyable.
"America Hates Burnie"
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
We've Moved!

Now that's clarified, I should think of something to write. Ok, the picture. This is my room at the moment. Or part of it. Somewhere in there. I think that's a wardrobe behind it. There's a couple more boxes next to/in front of the door. And I'm the one taking the pic. Somewhere near where the desk now it. This was taken yesterday, so it's a little better than what it was. For one, I actually have a bed and desk set up, as opposed to an assortment of wood strewn across the room.
All went well, nothing broken (that we know off). I walked into a glass door. It hurt. A lot.
So.... I think that's it. I'll take pics upon request.
Monday, 7 May 2007
Spidey 3 Part One: Enjoyable But Flawed
'Cause I'm feeling kind and generous (what can I say? I'm that type a guy ;) ), I'll start with what I agree with.
Sandman was pointless. Sure, if you wanted another separate spidey movie, it could work, but seriously? Just took up time with "oh, my daughter's dying". No relevance to the spidey plot at all. We thought Uncle Ben's killer had been caught, and it shoulda been left that way.
So, point one: Too many plots. +1 FG
Here's where FG went wrong. The jazz club scene was where we see Peter in a different light, and I thought it was cool, although badly led into and abruptly finished. We no longer saw Peter as the nerd, but as a cool ladies man, albeit an egotistical bastard getting back at his ex who dumped him. Some may think it's cruel, but don't forget that she dumped him for 'another guy'. That woulda screwed with a lot of people's emotions, much less Peter's. Probably would have been less offensive for the more sensitive ladies out there had they properly bookended the scene with a decent lead in/out.
Point Two: Jazz club = awsome -1 FG
Stay tuned for some more FG pwnage.
PS: I warned you not to over analyse this, Luke. I can play at that game, too!
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Time's A Wasting
So, have you ever got to the stage in life where you think, hey everything is great? You know, where you're balancing your workload effectively, you're actually enjoying life, AND know cool terms like "orthogonal frequency division multiplexing" that you can drop into a conversation to look like a genius (or in some cases, a complete nerd)?
See, up to the last couple of days, I thought I was having this great time and experience, when in fact I wasn't. Far from it.
I had a few assessment tasks dues this past week and thought, yeah, I can take them. I know what I'm doing. That is, until I actually sat down to take the tests and gone "Oh, Crap. I'm not as good as I thought I was". Now, the tasks weren't important as the assessment was minor, but just that ego- and pride-shattering moment when you realise that you aren't as perfect as you thought you were was simply not cool.
I guess this is one of those learning curves that you have to learn from and them move on to greater things. I personally find these irritating, as I often don't like negative realisations such as these. Kind of like the conversation film guru and myself were having the other night - when you wake up one morning and discover you're turning into your parents. While possibly inevitable, it's not the kind of discovery where you jump up and down and praise God for this incredible blessing.
So, now I've got to learn about three large textbook's worth of material in less than a month. Fantastic.
See, up to the last couple of days, I thought I was having this great time and experience, when in fact I wasn't. Far from it.
I had a few assessment tasks dues this past week and thought, yeah, I can take them. I know what I'm doing. That is, until I actually sat down to take the tests and gone "Oh, Crap. I'm not as good as I thought I was". Now, the tasks weren't important as the assessment was minor, but just that ego- and pride-shattering moment when you realise that you aren't as perfect as you thought you were was simply not cool.
I guess this is one of those learning curves that you have to learn from and them move on to greater things. I personally find these irritating, as I often don't like negative realisations such as these. Kind of like the conversation film guru and myself were having the other night - when you wake up one morning and discover you're turning into your parents. While possibly inevitable, it's not the kind of discovery where you jump up and down and praise God for this incredible blessing.
So, now I've got to learn about three large textbook's worth of material in less than a month. Fantastic.
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