For various assignments throughout my course I am required to research various aspect of technological history. One I accidentally came across while researching internet technologies is good ol' microsoft. When you look at this pic ripped from wikipedia dated late 70's, you gotta wonder how it all took off. I mean, seriously, this was MS. You've got Bill down the bottom left, what looks like a hippie version of Ross from Friends in the centre, and what could possibly be Matt Groening at the right (a stretch I know, but it's all I could come up with).
These are the founding fathers (and... mothers?) of computing technology today. So, what's changed? Well, the nerdy little rich kid at the bottom, who was probably bullied at school, has become the world foremost demonstrator of corporate bullying the world has ever seen. Incidentally, he's also the world richest person.
What else have we got? Telstra, Australia's telecoms monopoly, still has hissy fits over government regulations. Hell, if it hadn't been for Kevin Rudd, we probably would never hear about fibre to the node ever again. Telstra continues to refuse to expand on infastructure, simply because it wants to charge exorbitant prices for wholesale access. ACCC says no, so they stamp off like a 2 year old because they have to share their toys.
So, how did the leaders of the technological revolution become the people most determined to supress its growth?
If anyone find the answer, let me know. I'm sure it has something to do with money, or maybe some secret dungeons and dragons game they have going. Maybe it's an evil plan for world domination. All I know is this: Bill Gates is still an out of touch nerd, and Telstra is run by incompetent morons.
Oh, and Steve Jobs is still a hippie.