Monday, 25 February 2008

June 6 for European version of Brawl

"June 6 for European version of Brawl is reporting that Super Smash Bros Brawl which was released earlier this month in Japan and will be out next month in America, will be out in Europe on June the 6th.

Apparently Nintendo Europe made the announcement at the Micromania Games Awards. Nintendo Australia still has not revealed a release date for the Australian edition of the game, we'll let you know when they do.

UPDATE: Speaking to, Nintendo UK quashed the suggested release date, saying: "This is a rumour and purely speculative. Nintendo is yet to confirm any release dates for Smash Bros." "

This had better not be true. Take note, we are part of the European release cycle. How hard is it to print a CD for crying out loud? Microsoft managed to get Halo 3 out on a world-wide release schedule, make a record profit, and still have LE copies spare. What the hell, Nintendo? Where's Brawl for Australia?

It's been out for nearly a month in Japan, and 1 million copies sold. Heck, mail me an "iso" and I'll do it myself. If my run of the mill DVD burner can burn DVDs within 1/2 hour, surely manufacturers can do better printing the discs?

While this week's "Disney Princess: Rainbow Peach" release has been long anticipated by the gaming community, I doubt this will hold off the tidal wave of annoyed Nintendo customers who have currently paid $400 for a virtual game of tennis.


In other gaming news, according to palgn (the site linked above), the PS2 is still to see new game releases well into May. That's 14 months after the release of the PS3. Goes to show you can't have everything - "but it's got Bluray & 14 cpu core & replaceable hdd!". Why would game developers bother with that when they can still make more money off a console that has a huge support base?

Wow, just snuck another post in before the end of the month.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

It's been awhile...

Ok, so it's been, like, what, a month since I last posted anything? I don't know whether I, or anyone else, for that matter, can be bothered mainaining this blog for much longer, but for the hell of it I'll give y'all another post.

So, what's happened in the last month?

The Australia federal government officially apologised to the indigenous Australians for the "Stolen Generations", amongst other things. While I don't agree with apologising for the stolen generations in general, I do have to admit in some circumstances that Aborigonal children were taken from their homes without cause. In most instances, though, I believe that these occurances were no different to the Department of Children's Services taking children from dangerous living conditions. As for it never happening again? I think there's a problem with that. Parents that abuse their children should lose custody of them, no matter what race, creed or culture. Just sit back and wait for the lawsuits.

On the other hand, there is cause for apology based on other conditions the Aboriginal people endured, and that's an apology I support.

Anyway, I'm still waiting for Kevin Rudd to make a policy decision that does more than boost his approval ratings.

Enough of politics? Well, I bought an Apple branded product in the iPod Touch. I actually like it too.

A few good movies have come out. The Nintendo Wii game drought continues - PAL regions are still to see Brawl. It has now been pushed back to early March. What the hell?!?! Japan's been playing it since early Febuary!!! EB Games still don't know when the release will be.

In other news, it looks like the HD movie war has come to an abrupt (but not entirely unexpected) end. The internets are abuzz with rumor and speculation that Toshiba will dump HDDVD by week's end. This comes after Warner Bros defected for Bluray, and a large number of retail and rental giants in the US removed HDDVD from their shelves. While at the moment it is still unconfirmed, this news does come from a large Japanese media outlet, which makes the rumor 99% possibly true. Looks like I can finaly buy into that HD hype now without fear of throwing away hard earned cash.

Anyway, that'll do for now. I'll probably catch you all next month.