Album: Fallen
Artist: Evanescence
Song: Taking Over Me
After watching the link on filmguru's blog, there were links to there videos at the end of it. The one on the left is a fox network panel discussion about religion in politics. It's amazing that it takes until the very end and a college student to say something inteligent.
The one on the right is a report/discussion about the war in Iraq and the airing of bombings. Both are worth a watch if you haven't seen them.
So, anyway, it's been a while. I finished uni on 15th June, and don't go back until the 6th August, so I thought I'd have some quality time to finish putting my room together (yes King Kohl, I still have stuff to do too!) to keep in line with the rest of the household who have been complaining about my inablility to match their house moving expertise (It's not good enough! It's been 2 weeks and you've still got that box sitting in the middle of your room!)
Seriously, though, it seems that my uni is one of the few that finish so early, so I'm getting all thesee shifts at work. I'm basically working full time next week, which is good cash, but kind of annoying when I was expecting a break. Can't complain though - it will pay for all the new release games coming out ;).
Now, what to post this week...
You mac weenies probably won't be interested in any of this, but I'll post it for anybody's interest anyway...
I've finally discovered how to theme winxp without 3rd party software!!! I know, not an overly new discovery for most people, but a new one for me none the less. It turns out that if you replace a *.dll file in the windows directory somewhere, you can add your own themes and visual styles! I've tried things like windows blinds in the past, but always found that it slowed down my system too much, and I wasn't interested in paying $30US for the enjoyment. But now I can use the free themes from places such as deviant art to make it look like... well... linux? I've actually got this installed at the moment in the subzero colour. It looks absolutely fantastic on my laptop. I can't be bothered changing my vista desktop as I like aero enough that it doesn't annoy me.
Another great discovery that I've found is foobar2000. It's a freeware, fully customisable media player that has a very low footprint on system resources. Mine currently has this style, until I can work out the complex coding required to properly customise it. I would normally say that nothing beats winamp, but since AOL took it over it's become more bloated than a vista oem laptop.
See, this is what happens when you up your broadband plan to 7gb. You find all this awsome stuff that you never had the bandwidth to search for before. I also found xp login screens and firefox themes.
Ok, and here's one for you mac people (I'm assuming that this will work for pc and mac versions... I didn't check). Itunes themes. Most of them just change colour but worth checking out. It at least proves that itunes is somewhat customisable, despite it being more anoying that wmp (I'm waiting for film guru's indignant "GO STEVE" comment on that one). At least you can actually personalise it. NOTE: I hate wmp, but I still prefer it's media library over itunes. In itunes you actually have to add a file to the library for it to work. It may be good for people with ipods, but I personally have no use for it or the pathetic excuse for a program called quicktime.
And maybe someone can actually explain to me why on earth you'd make programs to look like XP bluesabre? It is the most awful part of xp, what with it's stupid green hill pixelated background. At least MS got it (mostly) right with vista aero. If only it didn't need a graphics card to run it.
See, this is why I like linux. You can actually set it up to do what you want, as oposed to whatever Steve or Bill say you should be doing.
Anyway, now that rant's over, what else is there...
Oh, yeah, I decided to try out opera. It's a lot quicker than firefox at loading, and as such lightyears beyond IE7, but I don't know if I'll keep it. Kind of anoying to use, 'cause I'm used to the "firefox" way of doing things. Once I get used to the shortcuts, I might use it more, but at the moment I'll stick with firefox because I'm lazy and already have it customised to my liking. Opera is a fantastic program though, and well worth checking out.
So, I think that will do for this week. I'll try and get another post in by the end of the weekend, else it won't happen until the end of next week.
Also, for a bit of interactivity, throw in a couple of your favourite apps. Maybe I'll start up a list or something, as I find "I've gotta try that", and then completely forget about it for weeks, then can't find it...
I'll even accept OSX apps - maybe I'll find MS equivalents.